July 30, 2001
Urban vs. Rural Schools
What Test Data Really Tells Us!
By Howard Hobbs Ph.D. President,
Valley Press Media Network
FRESNO STATE -- Recent research on comparative
student academic performance in rural and urban districts show that
students from both highly rural and highly urban areas perform similarly,
but less well, in terms of educational achievement than students
from moderate areas.
Empirical studies of student educational
performance should always include measures of both cognitive skills
and educational market competition as explanatory variables.
The policy implications of the research
study suggests that policy makers should consider students from
highly urban areas to be subjects of concern similar to students
from highly rural areas in attempts to affect expected student achievement.
We might as well agree to recognize that
the educational market system of both public and private school
options which allows educational consumers greater choice in the
acquisition of educational services are probably going be those
systems within which student academic achievement is higher.
[Editor's Note: The
complete study may be accessed by clicking on: The
American Journal of Economics and Sociology . ]
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