Sunday October 21, 2001
Will They Die In Vain?
Not if we choose right strategy!
Evan F. Madianos, MD, Contributor
WAYNE (Pennsylvania) -- "They
will not have died in vain", declared President Bush, speaking
about the first known US casualites in the War Against Terrorism.
The truth of that statement, however, will
only be known in retrospect. It depends on the still unknown outcome
of the war. And that outcome depends on how we define our enemies,
our military and diplomatic objective.
That depends upon whether we choose the
appropriate strategy to achieve them, while preventing unnecessary
loss of life among our US citizens in the military.
If bin Laden, his network and Afghanistan are
successfully destroyed, and Iran, Iraq, Syria and other terorrist
regimes are left intact to further develop nuclear , chemical
and biologic weapons of mass destruction aimed at us, we will
have won the battle, but certainly lost the war.
Those who die fighting for our freedom
today, will certainly have died in vain-as will thousands, if
not millions, of our citizens in years ahead. We can not hope
to win a "war against terrorism" by only destroying
some of the terrorists.
Note: Dr. Medianos is a Bulldog News reader who lives in
Wayne, PA.To wrtite to the author send your e-mail to him at:].